We don't want you to be the person who takes attendance when the teacher is late, but we do want you to follow some basic rules around here, so this place is a little better than the rest of the Internets.
- No spam. Don't advertise stuff, but also don't promote your own content here. That's lame.
- Don't quote the previous post. These are threaded forums, we know what the previous post said because it's going to be above your own. When you do quote, trim it.
- Avoid the annoying topics no one reads, like "Your top 10 blow dryers." You know the topic when you see it.
- A difference in opinion is OK, but debate the opinion without attacking the person. Ad hominem is bad Eminem.
- Use real language here. You're not pecking out a text to your BFF, so exercise your mad grammar skills.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Jeff - SillyNonsense.com - Blog